Monday, July 7, 2008 

A Relaxed Mind And Body For Concentration

... if done everyday for at least thirty minutes or sixty minutes provides tremendous relief through out the day. A person who meditates every day routinely will not experience any fatigue or tiredness in any kind of mental or physical work. Meditation is one of the oldest forms adopted to seek relief from stress. There are various kinds of meditation. The basic form is to sit in a posture as prescribed, close eyes and concentrate on a focal point. At times, beginners, may be put to sleep easily while meditating, however, over a period of time, the sleepiness can be overcome. It will take some time to focus and concentrate while meditating. Meditate at least for an hour each day and it will raise the spirits significantly. The best time for meditation is mornings. Make it a habit to get up before sunrise. Meditate for an hour at least and focus on the events ahead of you in the day. Work out the schedule in mind and try to resolve any internal conflicts.

There is a...more

Questions about Yoga Teacher training via Correspondence

...ould also be guided in the direction of additional Yoga teaching resources.

In fact, any time you have a question, you should be able to send an email and receive a timely reply. It is also good if you can get answers over the phone.

Q: On receipt of Yoga correspondence course material how do I proceed with my Yoga teacher training? What do I need to have in order to fully benefit from the Yoga instructor training material?

A: Upon receipt of your Yoga training course material, you should receive step-by-step instructions - however, let's go over the highlights of a typical Yoga teacher certification course.

1) You would want to focus on your written exam first. If you had a 900 page Yoga book to read, for the written exam; set a goal of reading a realistic amount of pages each day. For example: if you were to read 10 pages per day - within 3 months - you should have your written exam complete.

2) You should have developed a complete lesson plan for your Yoga class within the material of your written exam. As harsh as this may sound: Essay exams will teach you more.

Multiple choice or true / false exams are a process of elimination, and over the long-term, the facts you learn may be easily forgotten. A Yoga teacher writte...more

Why Yoga Should Be a Part of Your Daily Fitness Routine

...If you would like to really put your daily fitness routine in overdrive and get better results than you ever have in the past, you really should consider adding yoga exercises into your home fitness workouts. Aerobic exercise is great for burning calories, and strength training works very well for strengthening your muscle groups. But yoga goes far beyond either of those forms of exercise and can benefit you both physically and mentally. Let's see how.

Physical Benefits

1. Flexibility -- strength training helps improve muscle mass but it does very little to improve muscle flexibility. And studies have shown that sh...more

The Benefits of Yoga

...Yoga is a discipline for self-development that is more than 5000 years old. There are many types of Yoga, but most include physical postures, breathing control and meditation. Stress reduction techniques include mental imagery, stretching, controlled breathing and physical movement in the form of postures. The goal of any Yoga discipline is to improve flexibility and obtain peacefulness in the body and the mind. This will have the over all effect of leaving you with the ability to deal with everyday stress in a more productive way.

Understand that Yoga is not a cure-all. It can help with certain medical prob...more

Movement New York Yoga

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