Friday, November 16, 2007 

Perfect Golf Swing - Is It Myth?

perfect golf swing drills may be just what you need to cut some strokes off your game. perfect golf swing drills will help your golf game improve dramatically. perfect practice creates muscle memory to develop a perfect golf swing.

Perfect golf swing drills continue in the takeaway area when you put the butt of the club into your stomach as you grip the long iron just below the handle. perfect golf swing drills centered around the takeaway continues with your left wrist cupped, right arm above your left and right knee flexed.

Another important thing is golf swing. Swinging the club and striking the ball the same way each and every time will deliver the same results. Golfers who truly understand the importance of golf swing , record every golf game play they do and analyze it.

After analyzing mistakes golfers always try to fix mistakes they make . Analyzing your own mistakes will lead you to better results

Things you need to improve.

Improve your short game and putting accuracy. Improve your golf swing golf and tips proper golf swing golf. improves timing and tempo for a straighter golf shot. improve your golf swing golf and tips proper golf swing golf swings online.

Golfers need to be hit balls with every club in the bag to you gain the full sensory experience they're trying to internalize.

Practice rotation movement by holding the club across either the front or back of the shoulders in the set-up position. Gripping in the fingers eliminates tension in the arms which would reduce the ability to transfer energy to the club.

Do you want to improve your golf swing but you do not know how? Visit my site and find out how I cut 10 strokes off of your golfswing.

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Leaf Vacuum Designs Make Good Environmental Sense

There's something about fresh fall leaves and their colors that tends to bring out the kid in almost anyone. The exceptions generally lie with those who have to clean them up. Raking is a chore. Blowing is often a futile effort. Using a leaf vacuum, however, can be a dream.

The leaf vacuum design is not necessarily new, but it is a concept that hasn't caught on 100 percent. The idea behind one of these vacuums is to suck up the leaves into a bin or a bag, rather then blowing or raking them into a neighbor's yard, a sewer drain or even a pile that likely will scatter again as soon as the first good wind blows.

Although the apparent intent of a leaf vacuum system is to bag up the leaves for garbage disposal, this doesn't have to be the case. In fact, these handy little reverse leaf blower systems can actually be rather environmentally sound.

The advantages to a leaf vacuum rather than a rake or blower are many. They include:

* Speed. It is simply much faster to clean up a yard of dead, fallen leaves using one of these. While the bag or can might need to be emptied a few times, piled leaves won't have to be chased back down if a wind blows.

* Composting. The benefits of using a leaf blower to those who like to compost, rather than throw their yard trash away are amazing. Since they are pre-bagged or canned, the leaves can easily be moved from all over the yard to the compost pile. This beats trying to pick them up a barrel full at a time hands down.

* Water preservation. Many people think it is okay to rake or blow their leaves into open sewer gates. Although leaves are organic in compound, they might have pesticides or other chemicals on them. Putting them into a sewer system or storm water drain system can wreak havoc on a waster water treatment plant's ability to keep up with its incoming flow and disinfection requirements.

While this might seem of little consequence to a home owner or renter, the fact is it can end up costing money down the road if sewer rates have to be raised. One home's leaves likely aren't a problem, but 1,000 homes' messes would be.

* Simplicity. Using a leaf vacuum is about as simple as using a blower or even a wet/dry vac. While raking can be difficult for some people to accomplish, using the vacuum shouldn't be. This means kids can be brought into help and even those who aren't advised to undertake strenuous activity.

* Better appearing yard. Some people spend hours raking or blowing only to find the leaves returning back to their yards a few short hours or days later. When a vacuum is used, the leaves are removed permanent - either to the garbage or the compost pile.

Operating like a blower in reverse, a good leaf vacuum can make yard work a much more enjoyable task. When composting comes into play, one of these devices can actually pay off well for the environment, too.

For more vacuum information please visit - a popular vacuum website that provides tips, advice and vacuum resources. Don't forget to check out our page on leaf vacuums.

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Here's How To Massively Lift Your Golf Putt With A Simple Training Routine

There's a desire in the heart of any serious golfer to putt better.

Some of this is because there's a notion out there that good golfers smile at the sternest putting challenge and sink their ball effortlessly. (Completely not right, obviously. pro golfers are better than us, but they also miss plenty of putts!)

It's also due to the fact that we concentrate when we're putting. I mean, most of us hardly ever condemn ourselves when what we hoped would be a massive drive falls short by four yards. But watch our reaction when we miss the putt by just four inches. The greens are a major part of our memory and focus on a game.

Turn this into a basic training routine, because almost any golfer can improve their putt.

first, secure a level green where you can work on your putt without having to also practice correcting for break and slope at the same time. (This simple reduction of your circumstances down to the one thing you want to focus on is a key to succeeding.) If your club practice green is sometimes unavailable, or you don't always have the time to go there, use your carpet at home.

Then place your putter face square to your line and gently tap the ball into the hole.

If there is one cure-all for putting, this is it.

practice this. Work at it. Keep making these short putts until you are striking the ball square each time.

Then take the next step. Become virtually 100 percent consistent. Make practice putts until you can get a hole every time.

When you are consistently putting your ball in the hole your confidence will rise. And this will help you out on the golf course next time you are playing for real.

Len McGrane has written widely on Maui golf and Maui golf courses and recommends jackpot golf from

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